Saturday, November 17, 2007

Into the Wild

Okay, if you haven't watched this movie, you must! It is an amazing thought provoking film. I am posting a link to a article written about the film (a better article that I would have wrote). After watching this film I was blow away. My mind was racing around the implications of some of the most poignant lines I have heard in a movie in a long time.

This is a great article that describes the movie:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wedding, Birth, and Death

There is almost no better feeling than watching people you love get married. I had the privilege of attending a beautiful wedding ceremony of one my dear friends on Saturday. It was great to watch him stumble through the wedding vows he hand wrote for his wife. He cried as he listened to he recite her vows to love and support him throughout the upcoming years of their lives. It was amazing to see two people at the height of happiness and joy....
One of my employees just left on maternity leave. His wife is gave birth today to their first child. As I write this they are holding their son... and love is flowing in that hospital room. A new life has started...
But, on Thursday night my store got word that one of my employees had taken his own life. He was 24. I had worked with this guy for close to two years. He was funny and caring. He could make you laugh without effort. He was so unassuming in the ways he worked his way into my heart. He and I did not have have a close relationship outside of work... but that doesn't stop me from feeling a deep sadness. I have spent the last three days watching all of my employees crumble and break about this loss. Every time I watch them break down, I am forced to relive this tragic end to a life. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I find comfort in my eternal destination. But, I cannot find the same comfort for this guy. He was not a believer in Jesus... and that is weighing heavy on my heart. He carried the heavy burden of his short comings and faults. He never felt like he lived up to the expectation of his parents. He lost all hope in this life. He felt only loneliness in his last moments. He could no longer handle the thought of disappointing the people around him, so he took his life into his own hands... And he left the rest of us here to try to make sense of things. He left his parents with the thought that they didn't love their son enough, and pushed him too hard. And, I must say that is crap. No parent should have to deal with that! He was wrong, because his parents would do anything to have their son back! They would do anything to let him know how much they love him... but they will never get that chance. He took that away from them. What a waist of a beautiful life.
Now, I am forced to look around at the people in my life. Who doesn't know how much I love them? Who is in a dark place? Who is drowning in the lies the enemy? Who around me doesn't know my Jesus? Who hasn't felt the love and grace of the Saviour? Who is still trying to carry the load of all their wrongs? Who in my life is loosing hope? God save us!
So this week has shown me the full spectrum of life. A child has been born and has started his journey in this life. Two people have joined theirs lives into one. And, a young man lost hope and ended his life alone. This is where my life is being lived. It is dirty when you try to live your life with people who need Jesus. Jesus paid all of our debt in full when he lived on this earth then died on that cross. He died so we could live in freedom from sin and death... but sin and death continues to chase after us. Why wont we just trust in Christ and be set free? This has been one of the most gut wrenching weeks of my life... but their are people living their lives in peace and joy, while other live in devastation and heart break. God save us

Sunday, September 30, 2007

People Wreck People!

Wake at a pace of 1,000,000 miles an hour...go to bed...wake up and do it all over again... for the rest of your life! Oh, and try to find the time to maintain the relationships in your life ( family, friends, co-workers, room mates, the mailman, and if you are lucky that person of your dreams!). I make these statements with very limited vision. I am 25 years old, so what insight could I possibly offer anyone who has lived a day more than me? As I have taken a survey of the people that are running in and out of my life over the past couple of weeks... I have something to say that might be worth a listen (what a bold claim for a self-center guy like me, but here goes none the less).
There is a prominent Christian singer that has walked down an unfaithful road in his life. This guy sings with conviction of the awe and wonder of our faithful Creator. He tours the country and leads thousands of people in worship for the Lord our God. He has a beautiful young family, and "success." However one day he found himself to be an unfaithful husband to his wife. He cheated on his wife, the mother of his only son. I have something to say to this guy: The Lord's grace has given you right standing before the throne of the Father...but you have broken the heart of one of His daughters! Only the Lord can piece her fractured heart heart back together, but He has given you the command to surrender your life to give the rest of your life in sacrifice to your bride. I have never been on this guys side more than I am right now. I want to see this guy redeemed as a father and husband, because I want to see the Lord move with all his glory. I want to see Him move because I need hope. I need hope that tells me that not even our unfaithfulness can stop the glorious grace of our Saviour Jesus. I need hope for myself.
I have a friend that is fighting for his kids. He is fighting through the unfaithfulness of his wife. He is fighting through loneliness and hurt. He is fighting through the lies of the great deceiver that tells him he is not fit to father his own kids. He is fighting through this fog of pain and hardship... he is fighting for the future of his kids. He is fighting for the light in their eyes at the end of a long hard day. He is fighting for them, because the Lord has but these kids in his life. I have something to say to this guy: Keep fighting. Fight when there is light on the good sunny days. Fight in the thickness of a dark night. Fall to your knees at the foot of your kids bed and plead with to the only Father that has never failed His children. Plead with Him for the light of His Spirit. Cry out to Him for the strength to keep moving toward toward His will for the lives of those babies. Ask Him for the wisdom that moves boys to become men. And then get out of His way, and let Him take the lead. Follow Him.
I know a girl that left her husband and kids because she was unhappy. She chased the dreams of her youth, instead of being a mother to her kids. When she couldn't find anything of value in the world, she wanted her kids back... so she took them from their father. The father that never stops giving his kids everything he matter how unsatisfied he was with his life. Her kids have become leverage instead of her babies. I have something to say to her: The Lord knew all your sins... and He died on a cross to save you from yourself. He knew all the wrongs you would commit, and He still loves you. But, children are not leverage. They are not the bargaining tools that get you the things you want. There are thousands of people that plead with the Lord to have the chance at having children... and you see your babies as a burden. I pray the Lord doesn't give you over to the desires of a sinful heart. I hope He begins to break and mold your heart to repentance. I hope you cry out of His forgiveness. I hope He restores your heart to love those kids like they are the best thing that has ever happened to you. I cannot condemn you, because my list of faults and sins are many. I hope for redemption for you, because I need it just as much as you.
There is a girl that has stolen my heart, and she has felt the sing of my sins. She has shown me love and trust. And, I have betrayed both. While she has given me forgiveness... her heart has been cracked. As I write this, she is alone in a room struggling with her own personal issues. She has places in her life that just aren't adding up. There is a war raging in her mind of what is right and wrong. There are lies that she has believed her entire life that she doesn't want to believe anymore...but it's not easy to untangle herself from the grasp of deception. I have something to say to this girl: You cannot fix yourself... no one can fix themselves. The weight of repairing yourself is not your burden to carry. You are strong and beautiful. Lay it all at His feet, then walk where He shines His light. Don't let me or your history stand in the way of finding the wholeness that your Father promised you. You are good, but it is okay to be a little messed up! The Lord love the chance to show you just how much He loves let Him.
Then there is me... and I have plenty to say to myself: You are an idiot! You know the right path, but you walk the other way. You lie, cheat, and steal... you are an idiot! But, you are lovable. The Lord loves you! He loves you right now...not some future version of you. He love the messed idiot you are right now (thank you Matt Chandler). You are not Superman, you aren't even Batman... hell, you aren't even Mighty Mouse. So stop acting like you are. Be honest... you need the Lord more than you want to say, or more than you even know. He will sustain you. Just fall at His feet and let Him break every part of you that keeps you from His goodness. Smile every once in a while; there is joy to be found in the Lord!
God, help us all! Your cross is more than a tree. We are a busted people. Take all our junk and redeem us! Redeem us! We need you! I need you!

Saturday, September 08, 2007


The cost of transparency is enormous. It could end up costing you everything. It can cut you to the core of your existence. It will bring you to your knees, but hopefully you find yourself at the feet of the one who created you... and there you find the love that paid for what your best efforts could never buy.
There is no worst feeling than the one you feel when all of your junk goes public. The dark secrets you don't want anyone to know... or the secrets you try and keep from the ones who you know will be hurt the worst. There is a deep gasp that your stomach feels as your sins are laid bare in front of the people you have toiled to look like Superman in front of. There is nakedness that you suddenly feel... there is nothing to hide behind, no more lies to tell, no way to"spin" things so you don't look as bad... everything is on the table. There is no where to go, so you look into the eyes of the people you have hurt.
You run the risk of loosing close friends and those you love when your junk is laid bare at their feet. The way they look at you is changed... maybe it gets a lot clearer, because now they see more of you than you ever let them. What are they going to do with all this new information about you. What are they going to think about the "you" that you are when no one else is around? Are they going to walk away and condemn you... to be honest, you deserve it; you lied, cheated, stole, and hurt...
Here's the thing, I have spent so much time and energy try to hide myself from those who care about me. I have tried to hide the worst parts of who I am, because sin causes shame and guilt. So, instead of dealing with the sin, I would rather spend years in the agonising guilt and shame of my repeated sin. Even as a believer, who knows the saving power of Jesus, I have spent years trying to hide the dark places of my soul. The author of Hebrews tells us that there is nothing unseen by the Lord... there goes that sinking feeling the pit of my stomach again. He knows every ounce of me and my sins, so why hide?
In the most direct way I know how to say this to any of those who read this: Get help! Don't try and fix yourself in the dark of the night. Only the Lord can change your heart. You worst sin is not to big for Him, and there is no sin worth holding on to. Alcohol, drugs, pornography, lust, lies, hurt... there is no sin worth repeating, and no sin that the Lord can't help you get away from. He will walk with you as you walk way from the dark places of your soul. It's a hard painful road to even get to the point of admitting that there is a sin...but the road to the cross held the pain and sorrow of all men, where would we be if Jesus hadn't taken the hard steps? So there might be people that walk out of your life when you come clean in front of them... it will hurt like hell. But Jesus knows that pain, and I promise that freedom is better than bondage.

Oh, Mat Kearney, You Have Taken My Heart!

Okay, after about two years of absolutely devouring everything that Mat Kearney has every done... I was finally able to see him in concert last night. He has come to town multiple times, but I have never been able to go to the show...there was a little piece of me that died every time I missed the chance to see him (joking... not really... maybe a little!). Well, Leah bought us tickets to the show...she is amazing!!!

There is so much that I can say about the whole night, but I will keep in short because I don't want to cry. The show was greatness! I got to hear all of his stuff, including a couple of new songs. It was a great show for so many reasons: I had Leah in my arms while Mat sang old song that now have new meanings for me, the sound of the music was amazing and soulful, and I knew every word to every song...

But, there was a moment that totally caught me off guard. Mat started talking about his song "Won't Back Down". He said that he wrote it for Johnny Cash, and then started playing it on the piano. I listened to the familiar words and closed my eyes. As he came to the last part of the song, he sang

singing out the gentle sound
rattling through my smoking screens
my broken dreams last night

hallelujah ripped through my veins
i heard the hammer drop
my blood in the rain

hallelujah came like a train
when all is lost
all is left to gain

I raised my hand and tried to reach the Lord as I sang along: "When all is lost, all is left to gain, hallelujah". For a moment, in this extended time of weariness in my life, I felt a moment that felt authentic and true for the Lord. It only lasted seconds, but none the less, I felt my heart stretch out for the Lord...I've been sitting through tons of church services, meetings, and gatherings with a lack of call in my heart to worship... but at a Mat Kearney concert my heart jumped at a chance to let the Lord know that I still want to know Him. It has been a long time since that has happened for me... what a blessing.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Great Restlessness of a Soul

I walked through a busy store the other day, and I knew I wasn't alone. That might sound funny to some, but it is not that uncommon to stand in the midst of a crowd and still feel all alone... it happens to us more than we would like to admit. I watched as people walked past me in this store, and I noticed that I wasn't the only one in the store that was annoyed at the fact that there where other people around. In fact, there where many of us that where angry at the nerve of these other people that thought they could shop in the same place as us. "This is Wal-Mart for crying out loud! What gives anyone but me the right the be here?", I thought as I waited my turn to reach for something on the shelf... While I am writing this story in jest, it is pointing me to a truth about me right now... My heart is restless and it is making my angry!
It never fails that around this time of the year I have this urgent yearning to run away. I just want to get the "heck" out of here. I almost don't care where I go, just get me away from this place. But, this time it's different. There is a groaning that has been consistently escaping from my soul. A groaning that there is something terribly wrong with me... I'm out of rhythm with my Creator. I'm not walking in the ways he created me to walk. Caedmon's Call has a great new album "Overdressed", and there is an amazing song called "Hold the Light". There is a line that says, "It's been a long year, like a sleepless night. Jacob wrestled the angel, but I'm too tired to fight..." I feel those words more than I want to. The song is referencing the Old Testament story where Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord, and walked away with a limp to remind him of the struggle. I don't have a physical limp for the crap that is going on inside me. I'm tired of feeling the need to post thoughts like this for all of you to see. I'm tired of feeling like every step taken is off the path the Lord has laid for me. I am restless, and I want to get away from this season of my life... even though I know the Lord is using this to sanctify me... and I'm getting too tired to fight Him... and maybe that's for the best...
"Lord break me down, and strip away all the garbage in my filthy heart! I'm tired of these dirty heartaches that I have been wearing like royal clothing... they are robbing me of You! I don't want to fight you anymore! I just want some peace about who You are and what you are doing in and for me! I just want you to hold me and let me know that I haven't gone too far away from you! I want to believe in your forgiveness again, but it's hard to see from the garbage I'm swimming in! Help me to find a place to slow down and be still... God save me from myself, even though you already have!"

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Oh Great Mystery!

What happens to a born-again Christian when their world grows dark? When their world seems distant from the richness of God? Where does a believer turn when their soul has seemed to dry up? What is this soul to do with Jesus' words, "I am living water" when only dust is kicked up by their steps? What happened to me... when did this happen?

If I could be totally honest with anyone who is reading this, I would be forced to say that it has been a long time since I have felt the rushing waters of Jesus wash over me. My days have been marked by an overwhelming dryness. It seems that I woke up one day to find that I am a cynical, dry, unloving bastard! (If you are someone who has personally walked through this life with me for any length of time, and are having thoughts that I am being to hard on myself...keep those thought to yourself, and keep reading! This is not the classic Chad that has a low view of himself... this is a humbled Chad that is finding out just how little he understands!...keep reading.) While I know this did not happen over night, it seems that I have always been this way... but I know that can't be true... but I can't remember that last time I looked out on this landscape of my Christ restored life and did not have something cynical to say about: the church, pastors, the music on Christian radio or in church service, "so-called" Christians, or myself. It is overwhelming for my to think that I might actually be nothing more than a sore than a helping hand. What if I have become more of hindrance to the Gospel than an agent of it? Where did I turn the wrong way? My God, when was the last time I took a step that was in sync with yours?

I know this is a lot coming from a guy like me. I know this is a lot of junk to throw into one post on this stupid blog... but I feel like I have no choice.

I do not want to sound arrogant, because this is going to come out all wrong...but it is the best way I can say it right now. I don't have a problem seeing the big picture that God is painting... for the most part. When I look at the situations and events in my life, I can usually see the bigger things at work behind what is physically happening. I have no problem seeing that the Lord is teaching me this or that when things get "hard". I, for the most part, do a "good job" of keeping a level head about what happens in the day-to-day. Even when things start to feel like they are crushing me... I find a way to see the larger things that the Lord is doing. For those of you who have been with me for the past 2 to 3 years have seen me stumble through divorce and heartache. While there where major points of discontentment and hurt, I could always see that the Lord was using the situation to bring me to a closer dependence on Him. He was trying to draw her back to Him. He was purifying me through fire to get me to a point where I would be better used by Him. This was the lens in which I walked through my divorce. While there was pain and questions during long nights, I never truly questioned who God was or His love for me. I only say all of that to say this: I can see the Lord moving in and around me... but it rarely moves me to a stirring passion of action and worship! How does that happen? How does a believer see the hand of God with a moderate clarity and it not affect Him that same way it moved David or Paul? When did I loose a passion for the workings of the Lord?

I have a problem sitting through a church service. While I am surrounded by believers raising their hands and singing praise to the same Lord that I love... all I can do is wonder if it is real. In my head I question their actions. I don't think that I am better or more authentic... I just question them. Are they just being emotional? Are they just wanting to look good? Let me stop and simply say this: I question them because I am not moved to such actions... and maybe it is starting to eat at me that they seemingly feel something about my God that I don't. There is a void in me that seemingly should not be there. So here is the nuts and bolts of my situation right now:

I have no passion for the Lord! I love Him, and I know that He is my salvation. But, I have a dry soul. The scriptures speak of a mystery found in the life and working of the Lord... but I find no mystery in what I see day-to-day. Don't get me wrong I still look at a sunset and wonder how He does it. I have a contentment about the Lord that most people seek after (I'm not boasting, just try to sort this crap out!!). My problem is my contentment that tells me the Lord is good and loves me enough to know me before I was even borne, it is keeping from a passion that wets my appetite to see Him move. It is keeping me from finding a mystery in Him that breaks me. I'm not looking for an emotional moment, just a moment that knocks me on my ass! I want to see something that has nothing to do with me but is altogether larger than anything that i could ever do. But I fear that I am not going to find it here. The mystery of God has escaped me, or maybe I have such a high view of myself that I have blinded myself from it. Maybe I think I have everything figured out that I have no need to be in awe of how great the Lord is... I hope that is not it. I hope I am humble enough to know that I am a fractured awful excuse for a son of the risen Lord. I hope my heart isn't hardened to the point that I feel I am equal with the Lord. I just want to find the place where I can marvel at the Lord. That place where He is beautiful in His small and big ways! Because I see Him moving... it just returns void on me right now. I want to be mystified at His dealing with this world. I want a passion that moves me to action!

So, with ALL of that said, this is my journey right now: The mystery of the Lord and a passion for him.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Help My Unbelif

Out of no where it started to rain today. It was a typical hot, muggy, summer day. You could hear some faint thunder in the distance; then you saw the rain start to hit the pavement. As usual, the windows of my truck where rolled down; so I grabbed my keys and ran outside to roll them up. After getting the windows up, I started to make a dash out of the rain. I stopped running and started walking... then I just stopped. I stood there on the sidewalk of my apartment with my head down, letting the rain slowly soak my head and shoulders. The rain came down harder, and I lifted my face up to the sky... I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed at the moment.

Last night, Leah and I had an amazing night. As the sky went from sunset to dusk we took a walk in the park close to her house. The temperature dropped about ten degrees as we walked under the trees... then out of no where I saw a small flash of light that I hadn't seen since I was a kid visiting my grandparents in Arkansas. We stopped and watched as fireflies danced under the trees. It was amazing. It was the first time Leah saw them, and probably the first bug that she hadn't wanted to run away from. It was amazing to watch these creatures light up the night (in a very small way, of course).

Who is this God that loves us? Who is this God that loves us in a mighty way that sends His son to die a death that I could never die? Who is this God that loves us in the smallest of ways to send a rain storm to remind us that His mercies fall upon us like rain from the sky? Who is this God that allows us to see His creation light up the night? How complete is His majesty that He allows us to call Him "Father"? How gracious is our Father that He makes Himself known to such a broken vessel as me?

I was overwhelmed today because I repeatedly forget that the Lord loves me. I forget because I am selfish and self-centered. I forget because I get caught up in trying to ensure I get things my way. I forget His love until I am reminded of my brokenness. I struggle and fight for the things of this world until I am exhausted, and my exhaustion shows me that my toil hasn't even added a single extra moment to my life... it has added a single extra moment of joy or satisfaction to my days.

Mark 9:24 "Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!"

Oh Lord, I believe in your power and grace... my help my unbelief when I take my eyes off of you!... God help my unbelief!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Your Good and Your Brave

There is something in all of us that makes us seek acceptance and validation. It is different for all of us, but it is the same longing. For some, this longing is getting that raise or promotion at work. While others look to achievement and trophies. For me, I look at my parents. I had a conversation with some new friends last night. We had dinner to get better acquainted. They asked me about my childhood and the road that has lead me to the place I am today. I took pride and joy in telling them about my brothers and how my mother raised us alone. I was amazed at how much I loved my momma' as I watched them react as I told them how my mother works full time from her wheel chair. It blew their mind, how much strength my momma' show everyday of her life... It made me understand how much I want to hear my her tell me that she is proud of me. I want so desperately to hear her tell me that I am good and brave. I want to hear my step-dad tell me that he approves of me as a man, and that he is proud of me.
When it comes down to it, we all seek this acceptance from the Lord. We want to hear Him tell me that I am good in the same way He looked over creation and called it good. While I know that my human condition is flawed and cracked, I know that He has put His perfect spirit and power with in me when I accepted His son.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

He Is All Around

Sometimes we seek the face of our Lord... but we never take the time to see Him all around us. He is in the air we breath, the ground we spit on, the depth of our darkest hours, and at the peak of our greatest joy! And still, we have the gal to act as if He has hidden himself from us?! Scriptures tell us that there is no place He cannot see, and yet we try to run from Him all in the name of "searching" for Him. We want to take trips across the world to see Him move and work, but we squeeze our eyes shut as He weaves His way through the workings of our everyday. When times seem hard, we cry out for mercy with the breath that He mercifully died to give us. Money gets tight in our suburban lifestyle and start to wonder if He has forgotten us... all the while an African mother holds her aids ridden children as they take their last breath, and she thanks the Lord for the life He has given...

Everyone needs a break from their lives sometimes. We feel heavy, even though He offers a light yoke. Take a hike and see Him work in the rising of the sun. Walk down a dirt path and see Him grow trees hundreds of feet high. Cross a bridge and marvel as He rushes water over a riverbed. Get in your car and drive to the "poor" parts of the city... do that and see Him all around you... then praise Him. Praise Him for the best parts of your life. Praise Him for your kids that you love. Praise Him for your job that you hate. Praise Him for the past that has left you bruised and slightly broken. Then praise Him for the mercies He pours out to us every morning... see Him all around you and then start living like His death actually means something to you.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bright Days Can Be In Sufficient

Inadequate- not adequate: IN SUFFICIENT

This is the way Webster defines "inadequate". When they put it like that, it doesn't sound so bad... in fact, it sounds inconsequential (illogical: IRRELEVANT: of no significance: UNIMPORTANT). Looking at these definitions that attempt to define what I am feeling, they make this feeling of inadequacy seem small. Small, as if one could simply crush it beneath their shoe as they walk through life. If that is true, if inadequacy is irrelevant and unimportant; or something that is easily brushed to the side... then why can't I shake it, in even my strongest of moments?

At age 18 I put my faith in a God that I was told knew everything about my past, present, and future... and I was told that He still loved me enough to give up His life to save mine. I felt the acceptance that only His love can provide to a soul that had always felt inadequate. By the time I was 18 I had totally bought into the lies that told me I would never be good enough... smart enough... hansom enough... I swam to the deepest parts of these lies and waded there until I got too tired to keep my head above those dark waters... I sunk to the dark bottom of the lies that keep kids from seeing the love of their parents or the brightness of the minds the Lord has given them or the goodness the Lord places in their hearts. I lived with the knowledge that I would never stack up against the other kids. I knew I would never have the dashing good looks of the guys that always got the girl. Then somehow, a light pierced through the murky waters of this worlds lies. The Lord lifted me out of the muddy waters and washed me with His truth and love until I was clean...

I am now 25 with hair that is quickly greying and a back that aches and bows like a 50 year old! I have lived some life that has been great and fulfilling and I have days in my past that have caused pain and sleepless nights that sometimes still feel like they haven't ended. I have seen the Lord pursue me like a lover even when it felt like the entire world had walked away. He has restored a heart that had been broken into thousands of pieces. And even today, He has given me a summer of new beginnings in a pair of green eyes that look at me with mystery and affection. I have felt acceptance in abundance... it has actually been tangible: it has touched my shoulder, wrapped it's arms around me, and spoken soft words to the rough places of my life. The Lord has given me the strength and courage to trust. He has given me the boldness to speak the words that He has laid on my heart...

So why, even in the face of all this, do I feel inadequate? Why is there still this place in me that feels less than what the scriptures tells me that I am? How can I still feel insignificant and in sufficient? Because I know the scriptures and how they tell me the power and transcendence of the Lord that calls me son. I know where it says I can move mountains... so why can't I move this mountainous feeling of inadequacy? How have I found my way back to these murky waters after being blinded by the perfect light of salvation and love?...

The word "I" has filled this page... and I think it also answers most of my questions. I am the reason I feel inadequate. There are those who want to give too much credit to the great deceiver of this world... but he cannot force me force me to do or feel anything. While he knows all the right ways to engage and cultivate these emotions... it is still me who acts on and trusts these feelings instead of living in the faith and promises of the Lord. I am not trying to be too hard on myself or not give enough respect to the pain and transgressions that has found its way into my past. This is a hard place for me to stand right now. Because, the Lord has allowed me to be in a peaceful and joyous time in my life, but I still allow insecurities to shape and shift my actions.

Lord, give me the strength to believe you, to run to you, to trust you... help me get your words to move from my head and into my heart... break me all over again if it gets me to the place where your words are louder than those of this dark and lonesome world!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Camping on the Side of a Mountain

I spent last week at Falls Creek Church Camp in Oklahoma. I went with the Cowboy Church of Athens youth group. The youth pastor (Scot Bonner) of the church is good friend of mine, and he was also my youth pastor during my senior year of high school. Over the last seven years of my life this guy has spoken truth into my life during the good and bad times. He has also given me a friendship that has weather immature moments, jokes that have gone too far, and me not being able to properly back up even the smallest of trailers with a truck. So, when he asked me if I would go to camp with him as a sponsor to help him carry the teaching load and wrestle a group of 21 kids I couldn't say no.
During my senior year I attended Falls Creek as a student. I went to that camp as a lost kid that knew all the right answers, but never had an actual confrontation with Jesus. I left that camp as a son of the living God with the salvation of Jesus Christ poured into my heart. So, I was excited about the opportunity to go back to the physical place where Jesus reached down into my mess of a life and saved me.
From the moment that those kids started arriving at the church to head off for camp, I knew I had gotten myself into some trouble. I watched the group as they unloaded their bags from their parents cars, hug their parents good-bye, and then load their bags into the camp trailer. Some where nervous, while others looked like they didn't care about anything was about to happen at a stupid church camp. This was a group of individuals that had never cared about how their actions effected the group as a whole. All of the kids piled into the different vehicles. I drove a truck with four of the upper class boys... that wasn't the best idea Scot ever had.
The entire trip up to Oklahoma was filled with fart jokes, good music, us guys getting to know each other, and the boys taking off their shirts while dancing as we zoomed passed the car that had most of the girls in the group... like I said it wasn't the brightest of Scot's ideas. We had a great time driving slightly faster than the other cars in group, getting lost, the boys play fighting in the back.
We made it to the camp, and camp life immediately started. The dorm was filled with uncomfortable bunk beds, a faint smell of urine, and showers that trickled water instead of actually spraying water. But, from the beginning camp was good to the group. There where more laughter than tears (for the most part). It was like pulling teeth to get some of the guys go to sleep when the lights turned off, and it took literally pulling some of the guys out of bed in the morning.
Every morning I woke up earlier than the guys, and sat in silence as the sun made it's appearance from behind the mountain. The crisp morning air reminded me that the Lord moves in our lives and refreshes the tired soul of those who take the time to stay still long enough. As I would be preparing for the morning bible study, some of the guys would wake up and sit on the porch as they prepared themselves for a morning run. During those morning hours i was able to get to know the hearts of a couple of the guys. As I am thinking back to those morning conversations, I can recognize how men along the way had done the same thing for me in my life. It is a humbling experience when you recognize how the Lord is allowing you to be a part of the kingdom work He is accomplishing.
As the week progressed the kids became more of a group than individuals forced to stay in the same dorm. Scot and I watched as the older girls started spending more and more of their free time with the junior-high girls. You could see a spark in the eyes of the younger girls as they sat at the same dinner table as the older girls. There where those kids that always sat slightly at a distance from the group. I'm not sure if they couldn't trust the other kids because they had been hurt in the past, or if they just enjoyed the solitude...either way, I hope they know that the love of our Heavenly Father is bigger than any bully they might face and it runs deeper than any pain we feel in our lives.
By the end of the week there where three kids that gave their lives to the Lord, at least three that rededicated themselves to the Lord, and two of the girls surrendered to the ministry. There was over 200 kids in the entire camp the entered into the family of the Lord. It was a beautiful thing to watch. While I wrestled with my own set inner turmoil, the sight of all those kids giving their lives to a loving God was soothing. I hear the Lord whispering to me: "Chad, it's okay. Remember when you walked this aisle, and I promised never to leave you? I'm still here, even if you struggle with ways people come to me." Here is a truth about me: I am a jaded guy, that still has a hard time trusting Jesus with a childlike faith. And sitting at camp watching the Lord move and sweep across that mountain has done a number on my heart. There where mornings that I sat in the shadow that that mountain trying to find words to pray to my Lord... and none came. My thought where all over the map. My heart was pumping with a pain, because I had gotten to the place where I thought I knew what was best for the Lord. I thought I knew what style of music was best for the Lord. I thought my words would be the best for the Lord. Like a lot of people that get an ego, I forgot how the Lord knows so much more than me. He knows every strand of hair my head (or where ever else that hair is). I am thankful that the Lord is patient with us.
Driving away from camp was a good feeling. It was a good time, filled with the spirit of God and lots of fun. But, just like those students in the youth group, it was time for me to walk down from that mountain and back into the life the Lord has called me to live. The truth is, life is not meant to be lived on an emotional high. The Lord calls us to stay on a level surface when we walk with him. He doesn't want us to get to high on the emotions this world draws us to, and he doesn't want us to fall down to low when we feel burdened. He wants us to trust Him with the big and small things, while we continue to explore Him.
I love those kids for the Cowboy Church in Athens, Texas. They have taught me more more than I probably tried to teach them.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Power of Know

What does it mean to be known? In Genesis we read that Adam knew Eve... but that isn't even what I am talking about because...well... the major emphasis of the text is on sex (not entirely, but the majority). There is a worship song that says: "All of life comes down to just this one thing: To know you Lord Jesus, and to make you known..." While the song is absolutely true... I am not totally sure that is what I am asking either. I guess what I'm asking is: What does it mean to know someone?

What does it mean to get to know someone? If you believe 90% of the movies today, getting to know someone means finding out how to get into someones pants... and that isn't even close to what I am asking. How does one go about getting to know another person? I'm not sure how exactly to proceed through the rest of this...but I will try anyway.

I've been spending some time getting to know someone. It has been...well... it is hard to describe because it has been challenging. Have you ever wondered what someone is thinking? Well, that is the constant state that I am finding myself. I am constantly wondering what she is thinking. What is she thinking about the movie we just watched, what does she think about the stupid shirt I am wearing (is this shirt even clean?), what does she think about the stupid comment I just said (I can't believe what I just said!), what is she thinking about me. Does she think I'm worth knowing?

Another part of this is the person that I am presenting to her. Am I showing her who I really am? Am I being truthful when she asks me what I think? Every time she presents me with such a question, I face a choice. Will I tell her the truth, or will I tell her something I think she wants to hear... but there is a problem there, because... I don't know what she wants to hear, because I don't know her that well yet. So, I am forced (thankfully) to just tell her the truth, no matter how bad I think it might make me look. And, that is the game of getting to know someone. You constantly throw your junk on the table of vulnerability saying, "This is who I am, and the crap that goes on inside of me... Take it or leave it!" And you do this with the hopes that she wont run away screaming... or pull out her pepper spray and use it on me like a mexican burrito.
I must be honest, and say that I want to get to know more about her the more I get to know her. There is this growing desire to find out what she thinks about everything... I mean everything. I want to know what her favorite flower is. I want to know what she thinks about my facial hair. What does she think about the God-Head? Does she think about the mercy and justice of the Lord she professes a love for? Does she think I am funny or a nut job with a potty mouth? And it is scary...but in a good way.

I guess what I am saying is, it is scary to have a person that wants to get to know you. It is scary when a person wants to spend the time it takes to see if you are truly the person you are saying you are. It is scary because what happens if you aren't what they are looking for? What happens if rejection enters into the equation? That is scary...but I must honestly say that if getting to know this girl comes with the risk of rejection... I'll take my chances. I'll take those odds if it affords me the chance to truly see what a daughter of my Lord is like. I won't hide in fear of rejection when something like this is waiting for my honesty.

The beautiful thing is this: There is a God that knows me better than I know myself, and He never runs away from me. He never looks at all my junk and rejects me. He draws closer to me the more I honestly approach him. And the relationships that we enter into with other people is a reflection of being known by Him. When people draw closer together in relationships , friendships, families, or attraction, they are mirroring the passions that the Lord has for us. It's a beautiful, scary, and messy thing to be known... But it is worth every ounce of hardship, reange of emotions, and the ackward steps it takes. Breath deep and drink aboundantly of His love and mercy... And know that He knows the good that He placed in you... even if it has been covered up with dirt and filth.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Quietness Of a Child

I was taking a ride with a friend yesterday. He was trying to be positive about the day his family had endured... but to be honest, it wasn't working that well. He tried to make jokes or change the subject, but the conversation inevitable returned to the hard day he was having. It would go silent in the van (except the babbling of his youngest daughter in the back seat) as he watched the landscape zoom by through his window.

My buddy has four beautiful children (three boys and a girl). The moment you walk into his house you see their artwork framed and hanging on the walls. There are countless family pictures scattered throughout the house. There are more toys in this house than most day cares have. There is no doubt how much these kids mean to my friends. If there is one thing that you notice above all other things in the house are thousands of letters. Plastic multi-colored letters, magnetic letters, thin foamy letter, letters on the side of small building blocks...My friends have an autistic child who loves letters. The first time you met this youngster, you have no clue that he is any different than his siblings... or any other child for that matter. He sits among the thousands of letters and separates them into words or places them in alphabetical order. He keeps his head down and concentrates on the letters. He looks brilliant as he sifts through the different colored letters. You can see his mind working... he keeps looking until he finds the exact letter he was looking for. You would never know there was anything different about him at first glance... but you sit there and watch him work... five, ten, fifteen minutes go by and he never acknowledges your presents. He isn't placing the letters in order for your approval... it is as if he doesn't care that you are there. His actions do not hinge on your approval... he is in his own place.

As you watch him, your heart slowly starts to hurt. You call his name because you want to connect...he continues to spell word after word. You sit beside him on the floor and ask him what he is spelling... he doesn't respond to your words, but he is quick to push you out of the way if you have sat on the letter he needs to finish his latest word. You feel helpless as you watch... and this isn't even YOUR child. Your mind races to the parents.

Yesterday, my friends had a conference with their sons therapist. They where reminded how hard their son's life might be. It broke their hearts all over again. It was his birthday yesterday... parents shouldn't feel such a weight on their child's birthday. They watched him destroy the icing off of two cupcakes. I smiled as I watched him go to town; then I looked back at his mother. You could see the remains of a tear filled afternoon. It was a bittersweet moment for her. She tells her husband that she wants to be positive and faithful because the Lord has given her such a great gift in her children... but it isn't coming easy for her (what an amazing gal, she is). What do you say? What is there to say?

"My wife took one on the chin today!" my friend says as he breaks the silence. Everyday she takes care of these great kids. I watch these people be Godly parents. They speak love and affection to all of their kids... even if not all of them yet fully understand what love is. There is almost nothing more beautiful than the sight of a child sitting on their father lap. The Lord constantly shows us glimpses of Himself as our father.

Lamentations 3:22-24 "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."

This morning my friends had to wake up with their children and restarted the cycle again... just like they have done for years. Nothing had changed for the family when the sun came up today. Autism is still a part of their day...but so is the love of the Father. This morning the Lord poured out new mercy on the households of His children. For my friends, this means new strength to love their children no matter how hard it might be... even if they never receive such a love in return... "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will hope in him."

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Would Take a Bullet For You...

Yesterday was a horrible day for this nation. At Virginia Tech University a shooter killed 31 people on campus. He turned his gun on himself and left a campus and a nation in shock and sadness. As I write this, I am on my own campus states away... and it is business as usual. A few teachers have mentioned the event in a prayer, but not much else has been said. I am not speaking out against my college or the students who I sit among. This is a confession of a guy who says a lot of things, but does very little to put action to those words.
I was driving with a buddy of mine a couple of months back. We where driving down the George W. Bush Turnpike with the windows down. We had Mat Kearney playing over the wind coming through the windows. As we sang along to the song "Bullet", I actually started to listen to the words I was singing:

It doesn't matter if they call me wrong,
It doesn't matter if ya' steal my
It doesn't matter if we're all alone,
It doesn't matter at all,
would take a bullet for you.
I would across any line or swim across the
I would loose it all or take my fall to show you it's for real.
It reminded me of Jesus and what His life was for us.
1 John 3:16"By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."
I sat for a moment in quiet reflection on the way I was living my life. I turned down the music and said one of the most honest sentences I ever said about myself:
"I would step in front of a bullet for someone, not because it is something Jesus would do, but because it is heroic and people would remember such an act... But I wouldn't give up an afternoon nap to help anyone. I sleep through my phone ringing with a broken hearted friend on the other end, because I am selfish... My naps are more important than helping people in need. How sad is that? A nap?... I would forsake the commandments of my Savior for a 45 minute nap? I want the Lord to use me in a mighty way, but I won't give up a nap to dig into His word? I want to be a leader, but I could care less about people if they are trying to interrupt my nap with their "problems"? How pathetic! Jesus spent so much time in His ministry without sleep. What would have happened if He didn't wake up from His nap to calm the storm and teach His disciples about His power and sovereignty? What if when they awoke Him, He shot them the bird and went back to sleep? I know this is a bit extreme, but I hope you get my point. There is an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach when you find out that you rarely live the words that you say you live by. Humble, is a mild word for that feeling. But the Lord is stronger than anything that I can possible do or be. He lived a life that covers all my sin and hypocrisy. How beautiful it is to know that He loves me in spite of myself.
I am without words when it comes to yesterday's shooting at Virginia Tech. How sad is it when a life is taken on the whims of another person? The Lord is just, in spite of our limited understanding. He is bigger that this...I need a nap.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

25 Years of My Mothers Patients

Today is my birthday. I am 25 years old. For some, this is a young age to find yourself, and for others it is a milestone. I am not too sure how I feel about being 25. My family does not have a history of making a massive ordeal about our birthdays. We call each other (most of the time) and share our love for each other. We all know that the other members of the family are thankful of the time we get to be with each other. However, there aren't gifts that are given or big parties. This might seem weird or "not enough" for some, but it the way my family operates. It has taken me a long time to be okay with this, but here I am ecstatic for the phone calls from my family. I talked to my brothers and had some good laughs. Then my mom called and sang me "Happy Birthday"... I almost cried.

It has become somewhat of a tradition for me to get on this blog and write about my feelings about the last year of my life. I have had two different roommates that have stretched and challenged me to be a better man. I have dating a couple of times... and then laughed at myself. There have been many ups and downs this year. I have come to terms with who I am... and I can smile when I look in the mirror. This year has been one of small steps... but I have come a tremendous distance by the grace of a loving God. He has lead my places that have cut away rough parts and He has led me to a peacefully place to rest in Him. How can i fit all of these lessons and laughs in such a small space?

Let me say this: This past year has brought reconciliation for me and my family. My family is stronger than we have ever been. It has become a tribute to my mom for us three sons to go to work and work hard. I have come to understand that I carry all of the sacrifices my mother with me when I go into the world. I go to work and manage a single mother that just got married... I can't help but see my mother toiling all those years for my future... so I find the patients to manage a group of people that will never understand how much I care about them. I go to school because my mother never a chance to further her education because she had to raise three terrors.

The Lord has the power to restore and redeem. He has redeemed so many people and things this past year. He is just, even when I can't understand why. How can such a beautiful God find a place to love such a sick man like me? There is nothing in me that is worthy of His glory... and yet He continues to impart Himself to me. His grace is always active in the comings and goes of my life. His grace is the signature of this past year. His fingerprints are all over the events of my past, and He has written my future... He has written it with love and mercy. And He will defend me with passion and justice.

During my conversation with my mom today, we shared some good laughs. She told me that she was thankful that I was a part of her life, and I thanked her for having me... she said "Your welcome!" ... what a gal my mom is! (Am I a momma's boy or what?) Thank all of you for being a part of my life!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter 2007

1983 was my first Easter... it snowed. This is a picture of me with the snow bunny that my brothers made. Fast forward snows again. This is the snow bunny that the three of us made.
I have always loved Easter... probably because it is so close to my birthday. This year was awesome. I went down to Crockett to be with my family (It seems that I always have something to write about after being with my family). Both of my brothers where down with there kids. We had BBQ from Pop's BBQ pit (taste amazing every time). After the food was done cooking we built a fire in the smoke box of the pit. All of us just sat and stood around the fire talking and trying to stay warm. It was so cold this year. We had a lot of good laughs as we sat around the fire. It strikes me how many great memories are made around Pop's BBQ pit.
As Christians we celebrate Easter because Jesus' tomb was found empty after He was beaten, killed, and buried for our sins. We see Easter as a symbol of Him overthrowing the power of death. It is beautiful. And this Easter, I saw Him over come all the death and junk that has bound my family for a long time. He resurrected the "family holiday" for us. We hunted eggs inside (it was too cold outside), we eat birthday cake (happy birthday to me... and Eavn), and had a great snowball fight that ended with me getting hit in the gut... snowballs hurt!
Happy Easter! I hope you all find the peace and joy that Jesus offers in a life redeemed by His blood. I hope you hold your family a little closer. I hope you laugh a little deeper. I hope you are a little more thankful when you eat those large meals. I hope you find rest. Happy Easter!

Friday, March 09, 2007

A Boy Walking In A Man's Shoes

As a guy that struggles with the thought of being a man:

I am frightened by the people who look to me for any amount of strength or guidance. Not that there are many, but there are those who see or talk to me on a daily basis and those who ask me questions about this life I am stumbling through. And there are those who listen to my words. Why would people in committed relationships even think of asking insight from a guy who couldn't make his marriage work? Don't dismiss that statement because you think I am being too hard on myself. Read that sentence again, then try and give me an answer. It scares me straight to my core, to think that people might actually listen to my jumbled words about relationships. All I have to offer are lists of thing NOT to do.

Don't dismiss her dreams... she believes in you.

Don't forget the way she looked in her dress as she walked down the aisle.

Don't let the hard days at work destroy the good in her heart.

Don't forget that she listens to the words you say to her.

Don't forget the things she gave up to be by your side.

Don't forget to help her clean the dishes.

Don't forget to show her the love you tell her about.

Don't wait, capture her heart again tonight.

Don't forget that she is worth it... ALL of it.

"You call me a boy, but I'm tryin' to be a man."- Mat Kearney

As a guy, I am scared of the thought of being a man:

I am scared of being "okay". I am scared that if I don't have something fight my way through... I might have nothing at all. I am not trying to be dramatic, just honest. What am I supposed to do if I'm not fighting for a marriage, if I'm not fighting for respect, if I'm not fighting a woman's heart, if I'm not fighting to love the man God is shaping me into?... What am I if I am "okay" with being me? I am scared because I have never been at this place I am right now... I have never before been "okay" with who I am... but that is the place I am finding myself. I don't know how to be "okay" among a group of people that have watched me struggle through hard seasons of my life. What do they expect from me if I don't have that usual disposition? So I run away from them, because I am scared... and I don't know why.

I am scared of being a man:

I am scared that the things the Lord tells me might be true. He tells me that He loves me. Why would He do that? I am scared that He DOES know everything about me. I am not scared of dying, but I scared of dying before running this race the way He knows I can. I am scared that He is right about the man He tells me I can be... because now I have no choice but to be that man.

Despite these fears, I am more of a man than I have ever been. I have cried tears worth crying. I have laughed like a girl, and loved every moment of it. I have said words other were too scared to say. I have made a stand, and paid the price. I have loved when other called it foolish. I dream of things bigger than me. I am more of a man today because the Lord won't give up on me. He keeps whispering to me, "You're worth my blood. You're good... you're good kid!"

I am scared... but He is... He just IS.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Me?... Dating?... This Isn't Gonna' Be Pretty!

I find it humorous when I post something about dating and love on this blog. Let me assure you that I do not believe I have a special insight into the workings of relationships. But, I am starting to understand some simple aspects about fruitful dating.
I don't know if opposites attract, but I know it makes or an interesting cup of coffee. It is FUN talking with people who don't share your same views and lifestyle... but I am not sure if it makes for a great relationship... but the jury is still out on that one.
Constant clashing is exhausting. Fighting through a relationship can feel like swimming upstream. And that begs the question: "Does this person clash or compliment who I am?" Because, I hope people who consider themselves "ready" to date have a health knowledge of who the Lord is molding them to be. Because the person the Lord is leading us to be, is who we want to be... so how much should the person I date clash against His work? Don't get me wrong, I believe fighting is a sign of a healthy relationship, but constant clashing of belief systems and worldviews can take almost anything worthwhile out of dating. But, finding a person that compliments who you are is worth the struggle. Finding a person who's strengths compliment my weaknesses is worth the wait. A person who challenges me about the sins I live in is worth being accountable to... in fact she might be worth more than anything I could offer her (gummy bears, bad jokes, my need to have facial hair to prove that I am a man, etc...).
As I have ventured back out into the strange land of dating again, I have found out I am not "smooth" as I once thought. I have also found out how bad I am at being attractive (Is body odder bad? And do you use conditioner before or after shampoo?). I have also learned that I need to lighten up. It's okay for me to be me, even if that means I don't "get the girl". Laugh... laugh a lot!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Few Things I have Been Learning

Over the past couple of months I have learned a couple of things that... well they suck to learn these things the hard way.

-Too much fast food disrupts the normal flow of things inside your body. I don't think I need to expand on this too much, but I will say this... Everyone needs to eat a salad every now and then!

-I am not an island! In the great movie About A Boy, Will (Hugh Grant) learns, the hard way, that you need people to get through life. In the past two months I have tried everything to keep myself away from people, because they make things messy! People have a bad habit of crowding you. They need things and can have a way of hurting you. But the farther you distance yourself from people... well, loneliness has a way of replacing the freedom you felt from people. Things can get pretty dark in a place like that.

-Community and Fellowship aren't a walk in the park, either! Just because I learned that you need people, doesn't make dealing with people any easier! The hard part about having fellowship with people in a community that you willingly are a part of is that you are forced to give something of yourself. You have to listen, care, and mean things. Who wants to do that? Who wants to sit with people and tell them that you are all screwed up inside, and you aren't sure things are going to get better? Who wants to listen a bunch of people talk about their "struggles"? Well... deep down we all do. It is a need that God put in us. So, I need to learn to be with people a lot better than I am right now!

-Community and Fellowship do not replace the need to be with God in the private places of my life. Fellowship is just a reflection of my relationship with the Creator and Savior of my life. No matter how much time I spend with a group of people that lift up and encourage me, there is no substitute for the time I spend with my God. I will never truly know His word unless I spend time with Him in it. He is the only giver of peace in this life, community is just one way He administers His peace.

-It is healthy to try new things! I tried Tofu for the first time. I liked it! I have also found a love for Yogurt. Up next: I will try to not be a jerk at work (I doubt I will like that as much as the yogurt!).

-Don't promise things you can't deliver. I have promised things to people with the best of intentions, but with a small hope that I never have to deliver. It is horrible when you don't do what you promised you would (especially to family!). How small of a man am I when I don't have the guts to give up a small piece of my time and life for others! I need to keep my emotions in check, so I don't hurt people with broken promises given in anger or sorrow.

There are millions of other things that I could say, but I am sure they wouldn't be as authentic as they should.

Lets all learn to love ourselves in our struggles. Lets learn to praise God for the small stuff like: toothpaste, the clanging of forks before a meal, toilets that work properly, and toilet paper (ohh, how I love the toilet paper!)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Family And The Times We Share

Nice picture, huh?! I have spent a lot of time thinking a about family (again) and this life we live in. I will spare you most of my useless thoughts, and just tell you about the beginning of my year.
I finally got to see my entire family at the beginning of the year. Because of the line of work all of my family are in, and the distance that is between us, my family celebrates Christmas at the beginning of the year. We have the tree, a big feast, and the whole nine yards. In previous years there have been many things that have caused there to be a strain on this time together. Whether it be relationships that have been strained, poor health, or whatever; my family has had a hard time in the past enjoying the time we spend together... not this year!
All three sons where back under my mothers roof. All the grand kids where accounted for. Everyone was smiling from ear to ear pretty much the entire time. Mom was in reasonably good health; her voice was strong... I swear she looked great, almost glowing.
The three of us boys stayed up with Stan's wife Misty, and our mom. We stayed up talking about past Christmas'. We shared our favorite memories, and corrected the lies that have crept into each others stories. We laughed so hard when Stan recounted the morning he and Nathan woke up early one morning to play with the new presents, then they got kicked outside in the freezing weather for being to loud! Nathan chipped in with his favorite memory. Mom told us about the Christmas when her brothers got a miniature cannon (that's right a cannon)... well you do the math: little boys and a cannon... of course something got broken! I held my breath when she moved from that memory to a memory of when she and my dad where still married. She told us of a time when Sr. and Jr. when standing around the tree... there was nothing special about the story except the fact that she remembered it (There is a long journey that lights the path she has traveled to get to the place where she could tell such a story... I love my mom!). We stayed up for a long time finishing wrapping the gifts for the kids... and we laughed. The weekend was filled with good times. We had more family drop by, and it just made it even better. I cannot remember a Christmas this good.
I found an even deeper love for my entire family at the begging of this year. I watched Larry (my step-dad) melt over my mother. It was amazing to see the two of them laugh and love with each other. They seem to be moving closer together as the years go by, isn't that amazing?

It was amazing to feel such fellowship and community with the whole family. Have you ever had part of your family at odds with the other part? It makes it hard to enjoy being in the same house. But it makes for an amazing experience when everyone is enjoying the time they spend with each other. We laughed deeply. We shared our hearts to each other, and found loving embraces. We eat and drank with smiles for the people around us. We told more stories that bordered on lies, and we made new memories that will last us a long time. Isn't that the goal of family?