Saturday, November 17, 2007
Into the Wild

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wedding, Birth, and Death
Sunday, September 30, 2007
People Wreck People!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Oh, Mat Kearney, You Have Taken My Heart!

singing out the gentle sound
rattling through my smoking screens
my broken dreams last nighthallelujah ripped through my veins
i heard the hammer drop
my blood in the rainhallelujah came like a train
when all is lost
all is left to gain
I raised my hand and tried to reach the Lord as I sang along: "When all is lost, all is left to gain, hallelujah". For a moment, in this extended time of weariness in my life, I felt a moment that felt authentic and true for the Lord. It only lasted seconds, but none the less, I felt my heart stretch out for the Lord...I've been sitting through tons of church services, meetings, and gatherings with a lack of call in my heart to worship... but at a Mat Kearney concert my heart jumped at a chance to let the Lord know that I still want to know Him. It has been a long time since that has happened for me... what a blessing.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Great Restlessness of a Soul
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Oh Great Mystery!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Help My Unbelif

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Your Good and Your Brave
Saturday, July 21, 2007
He Is All Around

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Bright Days Can Be In Sufficient

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Camping on the Side of a Mountain

Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Power of Know
What does it mean to get to know someone? If you believe 90% of the movies today, getting to know someone means finding out how to get into someones pants... and that isn't even close to what I am asking. How does one go about getting to know another person? I'm not sure how exactly to proceed through the rest of this...but I will try anyway.
I've been spending some time getting to know someone. It has been...well... it is hard to describe because it has been challenging. Have you ever wondered what someone is thinking? Well, that is the constant state that I am finding myself. I am constantly wondering what she is thinking. What is she thinking about the movie we just watched, what does she think about the stupid shirt I am wearing (is this shirt even clean?), what does she think about the stupid comment I just said (I can't believe what I just said!), what is she thinking about me. Does she think I'm worth knowing?
Another part of this is the person that I am presenting to her. Am I showing her who I really am? Am I being truthful when she asks me what I think? Every time she presents me with such a question, I face a choice. Will I tell her the truth, or will I tell her something I think she wants to hear... but there is a problem there, because... I don't know what she wants to hear, because I don't know her that well yet. So, I am forced (thankfully) to just tell her the truth, no matter how bad I think it might make me look. And, that is the game of getting to know someone. You constantly throw your junk on the table of vulnerability saying, "This is who I am, and the crap that goes on inside of me... Take it or leave it!" And you do this with the hopes that she wont run away screaming... or pull out her pepper spray and use it on me like a mexican burrito.
I guess what I am saying is, it is scary to have a person that wants to get to know you. It is scary when a person wants to spend the time it takes to see if you are truly the person you are saying you are. It is scary because what happens if you aren't what they are looking for? What happens if rejection enters into the equation? That is scary...but I must honestly say that if getting to know this girl comes with the risk of rejection... I'll take my chances. I'll take those odds if it affords me the chance to truly see what a daughter of my Lord is like. I won't hide in fear of rejection when something like this is waiting for my honesty.
The beautiful thing is this: There is a God that knows me better than I know myself, and He never runs away from me. He never looks at all my junk and rejects me. He draws closer to me the more I honestly approach him. And the relationships that we enter into with other people is a reflection of being known by Him. When people draw closer together in relationships , friendships, families, or attraction, they are mirroring the passions that the Lord has for us. It's a beautiful, scary, and messy thing to be known... But it is worth every ounce of hardship, reange of emotions, and the ackward steps it takes. Breath deep and drink aboundantly of His love and mercy... And know that He knows the good that He placed in you... even if it has been covered up with dirt and filth.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Quietness Of a Child
My buddy has four beautiful children (three boys and a girl). The moment you walk into his house you see their artwork framed and hanging on the walls. There are countless family pictures scattered throughout the house. There are more toys in this house than most day cares have. There is no doubt how much these kids mean to my friends. If there is one thing that you notice above all other things in the house are thousands of letters. Plastic multi-colored letters, magnetic letters, thin foamy letter, letters on the side of small building blocks...My friends have an autistic child who loves letters. The first time you met this youngster, you have no clue that he is any different than his siblings... or any other child for that matter. He sits among the thousands of letters and separates them into words or places them in alphabetical order. He keeps his head down and concentrates on the letters. He looks brilliant as he sifts through the different colored letters. You can see his mind working... he keeps looking until he finds the exact letter he was looking for. You would never know there was anything different about him at first glance... but you sit there and watch him work... five, ten, fifteen minutes go by and he never acknowledges your presents. He isn't placing the letters in order for your approval... it is as if he doesn't care that you are there. His actions do not hinge on your approval... he is in his own place.
As you watch him, your heart slowly starts to hurt. You call his name because you want to connect...he continues to spell word after word. You sit beside him on the floor and ask him what he is spelling... he doesn't respond to your words, but he is quick to push you out of the way if you have sat on the letter he needs to finish his latest word. You feel helpless as you watch... and this isn't even YOUR child. Your mind races to the parents.
Yesterday, my friends had a conference with their sons therapist. They where reminded how hard their son's life might be. It broke their hearts all over again. It was his birthday yesterday... parents shouldn't feel such a weight on their child's birthday. They watched him destroy the icing off of two cupcakes. I smiled as I watched him go to town; then I looked back at his mother. You could see the remains of a tear filled afternoon. It was a bittersweet moment for her. She tells her husband that she wants to be positive and faithful because the Lord has given her such a great gift in her children... but it isn't coming easy for her (what an amazing gal, she is). What do you say? What is there to say?
"My wife took one on the chin today!" my friend says as he breaks the silence. Everyday she takes care of these great kids. I watch these people be Godly parents. They speak love and affection to all of their kids... even if not all of them yet fully understand what love is. There is almost nothing more beautiful than the sight of a child sitting on their father lap. The Lord constantly shows us glimpses of Himself as our father.
Lamentations 3:22-24 "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."
This morning my friends had to wake up with their children and restarted the cycle again... just like they have done for years. Nothing had changed for the family when the sun came up today. Autism is still a part of their day...but so is the love of the Father. This morning the Lord poured out new mercy on the households of His children. For my friends, this means new strength to love their children no matter how hard it might be... even if they never receive such a love in return... "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will hope in him."
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I Would Take a Bullet For You...
It doesn't matter if they call me wrong,
It doesn't matter if ya' steal my
It doesn't matter if we're all alone,
It doesn't matter at all,
would take a bullet for you.
I would across any line or swim across the
I would loose it all or take my fall to show you it's for real.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
25 Years of My Mothers Patients

Today is my birthday. I am 25 years old. For some, this is a young age to find yourself, and for others it is a milestone. I am not too sure how I feel about being 25. My family does not have a history of making a massive ordeal about our birthdays. We call each other (most of the time) and share our love for each other. We all know that the other members of the family are thankful of the time we get to be with each other. However, there aren't gifts that are given or big parties. This might seem weird or "not enough" for some, but it the way my family operates. It has taken me a long time to be okay with this, but here I am ecstatic for the phone calls from my family. I talked to my brothers and had some good laughs. Then my mom called and sang me "Happy Birthday"... I almost cried.
It has become somewhat of a tradition for me to get on this blog and write about my feelings about the last year of my life. I have had two different roommates that have stretched and challenged me to be a better man. I have dating a couple of times... and then laughed at myself. There have been many ups and downs this year. I have come to terms with who I am... and I can smile when I look in the mirror. This year has been one of small steps... but I have come a tremendous distance by the grace of a loving God. He has lead my places that have cut away rough parts and He has led me to a peacefully place to rest in Him. How can i fit all of these lessons and laughs in such a small space?
Let me say this: This past year has brought reconciliation for me and my family. My family is stronger than we have ever been. It has become a tribute to my mom for us three sons to go to work and work hard. I have come to understand that I carry all of the sacrifices my mother with me when I go into the world. I go to work and manage a single mother that just got married... I can't help but see my mother toiling all those years for my future... so I find the patients to manage a group of people that will never understand how much I care about them. I go to school because my mother never a chance to further her education because she had to raise three terrors.
The Lord has the power to restore and redeem. He has redeemed so many people and things this past year. He is just, even when I can't understand why. How can such a beautiful God find a place to love such a sick man like me? There is nothing in me that is worthy of His glory... and yet He continues to impart Himself to me. His grace is always active in the comings and goes of my life. His grace is the signature of this past year. His fingerprints are all over the events of my past, and He has written my future... He has written it with love and mercy. And He will defend me with passion and justice.
During my conversation with my mom today, we shared some good laughs. She told me that she was thankful that I was a part of her life, and I thanked her for having me... she said "Your welcome!" ... what a gal my mom is! (Am I a momma's boy or what?) Thank all of you for being a part of my life!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Easter 2007

I have always loved Easter... probably because it is so close to my birthday. This year was awesome. I went down to Crockett to be with my family (It seems that I always have something to write about after being with my family). Both of my brothers where down with there kids. We had BBQ from Pop's BBQ pit (taste amazing every time). After the food was done cooking we built a fire in the smoke box of the pit. All of us just sat and stood around the fire talking and trying to stay warm. It was so cold this year. We had a lot of good laughs as we sat around the fire. It strikes me how many great memories are made around Pop's BBQ pit.
Friday, March 09, 2007
A Boy Walking In A Man's Shoes

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Me?... Dating?... This Isn't Gonna' Be Pretty!

As I have ventured back out into the strange land of dating again, I have found out I am not "smooth" as I once thought. I have also found out how bad I am at being attractive (Is body odder bad? And do you use conditioner before or after shampoo?). I have also learned that I need to lighten up. It's okay for me to be me, even if that means I don't "get the girl". Laugh... laugh a lot!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
A Few Things I have Been Learning

Friday, January 12, 2007
Family And The Times We Share