Trust me, these kids aren’t perfect, and to be honest, I found myself wishing for a break from them at times. In spite of these imperfections, I came to understand why Christ said, “Let the children come.” And the statement, “Childlike faith” is easier said then done. I find it hard to not to be angry with those who tell me “no”, or to forgive those who fail me. I can’t seem to trust the Lord just because he says I should.
My trip to Florida was good. It was nothing like I expected, but it was what I needed. I was able to rest, but I had to work for it. I chased those kids until I was tired. But, I didn’t think about work the entire time I was there. The only books that I read where the books I wanted to read, not textbooks. And the times I looked into the sky for God, it wasn’t out of pain, it was out of praise. There was nothing exceptional about the vacation, but peace was found somewhere between the flight there and home.
So, now I am back to the real world. Back to work and school. I woke up in my own empty bed this morning, and it didn’t feel the same as I remembered. Now it’s time to live the rest of this life better than I lived the days of the past. Time to start stepping forward more than backwards. It’s funny to think that all of these thoughts came from those kids smiles.

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