Monday, June 30, 2008

10 Days of Honduras

Here is my trip to Honduras as promised:

I was a part of a team of about 40 believers from the United States that descended upon Honduras to help finish a very long bridge and put roofs and floors on about 15 houses. There where 3 church groups that went. There where 2 of us from Texas and another from Florida. If you know me at all you are probably waiting for me to talk about how hard it was to find community in such circumstances. You are probably waiting for me to give out a laundry list of the reasons and ways this trip could have been better if they had just let me lead. Sorry to disappoint you but that isn't what I am going to say. We had a great group of people, and there where great men that led us while we where there.

Because there where some problems problems getting the cable for the bridge out of customs, our first day was spent roofing and flooring. These Honduran people live in poverty. They bath and go to the bathroom in the same place! There houses are made out of mud bricks! In total for the week, we put steel sheet roofs on 8 of these houses, and we put 6 cement floors over the dirt that these people called a floor. How blessed are we that we have carpet and hard wood floors? These people had next to nothing, and they seemed to be so happy. How is that? They where so grateful for the work we where doing for them. They never tried to make excuses of why they didn't need our help. They thanked us. They cried. They gave us hugs. They accepted grace. As I have been back in the States, I have noticed a difference. The need for grace makes people ashamed here.

I also helped with the construction of the bridge. I use the work help loosely. I cut some cable and made a lot of jokes. I met a family from Florida named the Caldwell's. I got the chance to watch this family serve together. It was amazing. While i was cutting the cables for the bridge Mike Caldwell told me something about myself that I didn't think was true. After working for hours he walked up to me and said: "If I was starting a business, I would hire you on the spot! I can ask you to do something, and you'll do it. And if you don't know how, you'll ask for help." I am a stubborn guy. I am proud, and I hate not knowing how to do something... this guy just told me I was teachable. It's been a long time since someone described me as teachable or flexible.

We also did VBS. W all chose a certain color of shirt at he beginning of the week. Each color had a certain day of VBS. You worked construction in the morning, than after lunch your color did VBS. There where hundreds of kids everyday. My day at VBS was the hardest for me. I want to be a daddy so bad. And I feel like I need to communicate in order to breath properly. So, I was surrounded by kids that I couldn't talk to. It was a hard afternoon. I go so frustrated. I was a wreck the rest of the day. That night I took a walk. I prayed. I heard the Lord saying to me: "You keep expecting to be able to live your life on your own strength! You expected to come out here and do this trip on your own! How insane are you? You don't speak the language, but you assumed you could communicate! You need me! I want you to need me!" It is sobering when you hear the Lord speak to you no matter where you go.

I met a lot of people that I don't want to forget. I met a pastor named Rob. We laughed and talked theology together. We where totally open and honest. It was beautiful. I met an intern named BJ that seemed to connect with me. I see a younger version of myself in him (in a weird way!), and I'm not sure if that is good or bad for him! He's a good guy that truly wants to spread the name of Jesus! I met a recovering drug addict that is desperately seeking the Lord. He has a great heart. I watched him cry some heavy tears as we where leaving. What a picture of grace! I mentioned the Caldwell family. They spoke to my heart. They are not perfect, but they love each other! They serve together. They spoke to my heart. They give me hope! I met and couple named Noel and Emily. They made me laugh. I love their marriage. It is inspiring! A member of my team was Preston. I already knew him, but I will never look at him the same way! He served and cared so much for the Honduran people. He was affected as soon as we got there! He is as genuine as they come.

I also saw Leah in a new way on this trip. She was one of the translators for the trip. She was pushed and pulled in so many different directions, but she never got frustrated. She never told anyone no. She never stopped serving. That is beautiful! Her heart seemed to get bigger and bigger the longer she was there. Just when I thought she couldn't get more amazing, we take this trip! I am blown away!

There is still so much to say about this trip, but I don't have the room! Please, call me or email me. Let me talk your ear off over a cup of coffee or a frosty beverage! The Lord is faithful and good!

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