Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I just got back into the country from Honduras. I was over there for 10 days. I am very tired, and cranky (imagine that!). I promise I will write a nice long post about what the Lord did on this trip, because He did a lot! He did more than I will ever know. It was a great trip, with a lot of amazing people.
However, we where on the plane flying over the world, not even back on American soil and "regular life" came beckoning. It's back to bills, jobs, and money issues to talk about! That makes me sad, but it's life! Now comes the hard part for me; not forgetting what the Lord has shown me through this trip. The Lord is good, and I am truly amazed at how He works in all of the smallest details of our existence!
A more detailed post is in the works... just give me some time to get reacquainted with air conditioning!

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